EQC Contractor Statement of Damage (for Canterbury Claims)

EQC Contractor Statement of Damage (for Canterbury Claims)

Do you have an earthquake damaged house in Christchurch/Canterbury you suspect has not be repaired properly? Missed damage or inadequate repairs? If you’re getting your claim reviewed with EQC, you might have noticed a new process utilising a new form “EQC Contractor Statement of Damage”, found here:

Contractor statement of damage – online lodgement , or
Contractor statement of damage – Printer friendly

BMC have a team of engineers working on these cases – of the three professions on the form, BMC are both “A licenced building practitioner” and “Registered engineer”. EQC have designed the new process to be straight-forward for customers and their contractors:

  • From 16 November onwards, EQC claim managers/settlement specialists will advise customers applying for a claims review to engage a licensed building contractor, registered building surveyor or registered engineer to complete the Contractor Statement of Damage form on the EQC website, is for claims where a customer’s technical expert‘s input is required.
  • Contractors can complete and submit the form online or download it as a PDF to scan and return by email, or post to the mailing address provided on the form (Earthquake Commission, PO Box 311, Wellington 6140).
  • The customer’s claim manager/settlement specialist will receive a notification once the form has been received by EQC.
  • EQC can then continue with the claim management process.

More information can be found on the EQC website at: Getting your claim reviewed.

If you’re a homeowner in need of help, give the Christchurch office a call on 03 338 3351 or contact us here

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